ESRI UC 2021 Bonus Content

ESRI left the classes online to keep on watching, which I'm super grateful for, because it gives me a chance to go watch classes I missed or that were going at the same time as another class I was attending.  So here is some bonus content.

ArcGIS Defense Mapping Standards Base Cartographic Production Using ArcGIS Pro. They started by talking about the move from ArcMap to Pro is a transition, not a migration, and I completely agree. They showed off the apply visual specification to map tool, which was super cool and I want to try. They also talked about the generate product layout tool, which I will need to see to believe.

ArcGIS Enterprise: What's New showed off the new homepage editor and new email support. They also showed the append data tool, to hosted feature layers. Runtime conversion tools from ArcMap to Pro in 10.9.1. They showed off the MapViewer beta, with customized pop-ups (it's about time). And in StoryMaps, photo geotags can finally be used to locate map tour places.

I was elbow deep rewatching missed classes on my planner....and then my browser crashed and my planner was gone.  Ugh. They should really keep the planner up for as long as the classes are available online.  Just a thought.

ESRI released their stats for this year as the following:

  • 53% from the US
  • 47% international

  • 71,723 registered attendees
  • 2,500+ ESRI staff
  • 200+ countries/territories
  • thousands of organizations
  • 153 tech workshops
  • 251 user videos
  • 181 exhibitors
  • 57 SIGs

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