ESRI UC 2020 Bonus Content

 And you thought I was done...An awesome extra bonus feature of having the UC virtual this year, is that the classes were left online a little longer so we could go back and keep watching and learning more. I love this.  

The first extra class I attended was "ArcGIS Enterprise Designing Enterprise Sites." I was really happy to come back across this in the agenda. All speakers focused on "Experience Builder," and no one even mentioned Sites.  I'm glad to learn this is not going away any time soon.  The difference is Experience Builder is for ArcGIS Online, and Enterprise Sites is for Portal. When it comes to planning and design thinking, focus on problem solving.  Site consideration: pick a theme for the homepage. There are 2 places to use images - ROW, image card, and gallery card. Some considerations for mobile - navigation, don't bury the lead, keep it lightweight, have a mobile first viewpoint, and less than 5 embedded content per page. Hidden rows content shows depending on device being used. There are hide on mobile options. The forever scroll of doom is the bane of mobile existence. Consider mobile thumb selection. When it comes to accessibility, have a good page structure and concise headings. Proximity makes relationships. Have smart links. Same tab is the preferred experience instead of open in new tab. Consider voice over users - use clear links, and clear headings. I have to say this is something I haven't ever considered, or even knew it was an option. I'm glad there is technology to read your website for you to those that cannot read it.  This is something I need to keep in mind.

The next class I watched was "Using Deep Learning with Imagery in ArcGIS." There are now some impressive tools that can be used to clear up blurry imagery. They demonstrated tools used to detect shipwrecks in a bay - it was ridiculously cool! AI is getting computers to do a human task. They did a demo of an imagery damage assessment of the California fires, which was really cool. The devastation was difficult to see, but it was impressive that our software could be used in such a vital real-world way. You can save out training models and use them on other projects. The instructors were difficult to understand, but their demos spoke for themselves.  Well done.

I watched "Best Practices for Publishing ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise Services," and also "Creating and Visualizing Voxel Layers in ArcGIS." This class was very interesting.  I hadn't heard of a voxel before. Voxel = Volume + Element. Voxel is a new layer type in ArcGIS. It describes a discrete volume of space. They are rectangular prisms that have attributes. They may have unique values or continuous values. They may elongate in one direction, and may have time as an attribute (xyt). Voxel datasets may have billions of individual voxels. They do not need to be continuous in time or extent. And they may have incremental time (xyzt). 

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