ESRI UC 2020 Day 2
Tuesday started with a class on 3D in webmaps. It was very cool, but I didn't learn anything new.
Next was my most favorite class - Map Wizardry with ArcGIS! This was my favorite class last year, and I quickly became a fan of the teachers. They are cartographic geniuses and serious wizards. I love their creativity in creating maps that just blow your mind. I made sure to tell my colleagues about this class. They showed off some seriously amazing work. I need to download some of the style files:
- firefly symbology
- firefly basemap
- stipling symbology in Pro
- watercolor style
- spilhaus mapping
- imhof
- John Nelson pro styles to download gallery -
Some styles don't always translate to online maps. One option is to bake it into raster tiles. Their motto is to "go beyond the defaults." They showed a way cool map of Mars, that I seriously geeked out about. Their Cartography book is meant to be a modern manual.
Next was Plenary #2.
In the afternoon I watched "Solving Webmap Challenges: Imperfect Data, Engaging Popups and App." I quickly lost interest in this class because it was overshadowed by political choices in their sample maps. I did learn there is a pop-up blog that has arcade examples, I need to look this one up. There is not a MOOC for arcade currently, even though this is requested A LOT. You are unable to change chart colors in map viewer. You can change the pop-up background color with html. Featureset ability in arcade - featureset query to return everything in the area of a click (check blog for examples: The new release has some arcade support in dashboards.
Check out the best video you will ever see about this day here.