Dev Summit Day 3

The first class this morning was Introducing Coordinate Systems and Transformations.  It was taught by an awesome man that you could tell this was his life's work and he knew everything about it.  He really got into the weeds, and it was fascinating.

He had some awesome graphics.

Coordinate systems tell us distance, location, and direction.  There are two types of horizontal coordinate systems - geographic (spheroid) and projected (flat map).  

Vertical coordinate systems defines origin for height or depth.  There are two kinds - geometric model (base on elipsoid) and gravity related model (geoid).

There are 80 projections ESRI support.

There are 4 types of distortions going from round to flat - shape, area, direction, and distance.

The define projection tool doesn't change the datum. Transformations means changing datum.  There are 33 transformations in North America.  The transformations list drop down are [supposedly] listed in the order of what's best for your area.

Vertical transformations are not included in the software because of the size.  They can be downloaded.

The next class I went to was ArcGIS for Adobe Creative Cloud: An Introduction.  The entire time was spent on showing how to make a map in Illustrator.  You can add, edit, and delete data.  However, Photoshop works with raster data and you cannot edit or delete data, and you cannot change symbology.

Next was Getting Started with Web Development and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.  This was an intro class, and should have been first during the week.  Certainly before the class I went to yesterday.  There were maybe only twenty people there.  It was very useful and informative.  It was the same presentation as yesterday, but with the details.  At the end of the class, after almost an hour of detailed explanations of how to code a map, the instructor said we could do all of this to make a map, OR we could "use web maps."  Um...

Lunch was not worth a picture again.  Good thing we went back for banana date shakes!

Emu eggs are emerald green!

At lunch I ate with two people, one from Vegas (previous Brigham City/BYU/Ogden), and one from Boston.  The one from Boston described the local GIS market as the complete opposite as Utah.  They can't get enough candidates to fill the open positions.

My first afternoon class was ArcGIS API for Python: Mapping, Visualizations and Analysis.  They focused on Jupyter Notebooks.  The presentation was created and shown in Jupyter Notebook.

Random fact - I googled and API stands for Application Programming Interface.

So many color options.

I made the mistake asking about Map Girl becoming Map Woman, and got an earful about women's rights.

I successfully got my arms to match my red shirt today at lunch.

 My next class was Building Interactive Web Apps Using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript Geometry Engine.  He showed nothing but examples. Someone asked if it could be used for 3D, and the answer is NO.  What a bust.

That clown I met last night?  He's world famous.  And studied with Red Skeleton.  And performed with circuses like Barnum and Baily and more.  Google it, there's a whole clown world out there we don't know about.

Happy GISing!
Lindsy Hales Bentley

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