Dev Summit Day 3

The first class this morning was Introducing Coordinate Systems and Transformations. It was taught by an awesome man that you could tell this was his life's work and he knew everything about it. He really got into the weeds, and it was fascinating. He had some awesome graphics. Coordinate systems tell us distance, location, and direction. There are two types of horizontal coordinate systems - geographic (spheroid) and projected (flat map). Vertical coordinate systems defines origin for height or depth. There are two kinds - geometric model (base on elipsoid) and gravity related model (geoid). There are 80 projections ESRI support. There are 4 types of distortions going from round to flat - shape, area, direction, and distance. The define projection tool doesn't change the datum. Transformations means changing datum. There are 33 transformations in North America. The transformations list drop down are [...