
Showing posts from September, 2020

ESRI UC 2020 Bonus Content

 And you thought I was done...An awesome extra bonus feature of having the UC virtual this year, is that the classes were left online a little longer so we could go back and keep watching and learning more. I love this.   The first extra class I attended was "ArcGIS Enterprise Designing Enterprise Sites." I was really happy to come back across this in the agenda. All speakers focused on "Experience Builder," and no one even mentioned Sites.  I'm glad to learn this is not going away any time soon.  The difference is Experience Builder is for ArcGIS Online, and Enterprise Sites is for Portal. When it comes to planning and design thinking, focus on problem solving.  Site consideration: pick a theme for the homepage. There are 2 places to use images - ROW, image card, and gallery card. Some considerations for mobile - navigation, don't bury the lead, keep it lightweight, have a mobile first viewpoint, and less than 5 embedded content per page. Hidden rows conten

ESRI UC 2020 Day 3

 Day 3 started with a fun class - ArcGIS Solutions for Defense. Can I just say this session blew my mind?! It was so cool to see the software being used in a different way than I had ever used it before. However, there were some tools highlighted that I can see useful in other projects.  Coordinate conversion (hello CAD) Distance and direction Visibility analysis Military symbology editor is available in Pro only. There is also a defense toolbox you can download that contains a range fan tool, incident analysis tool, and a beach landing tool. They demo'd each of these, and it was so cool. The visibility analysis using DEM and observation points. They also showed a generate grid from point tool, which was so slick and easy. I can see a use for this with creating missing person grids on the spot. They also showed web app builder defense capabilities. These tools do not work in a disconnected environment. The US Army is not using Pro. So, the things to look up and download are ArcGIS