
Showing posts from April, 2018

Developers Summit 2018, Day 1

I only saw one other GIS person on my flight out.  My flight was short and happier the further I got away from the snow.   The biggest news by far, is that Map Girl has been upgraded to Map Woman. They must have had a lot of complaints. When I walked into the Plenary Session, I wasn't quite sure where to sit to see the screen... They said this is the largest conference by far with over 2100 attendees.  The theme is "By developers, for developers." Monday they had a "spatial hackathon," and although I don't know what that means, I'm pretty sure my boss would win it. A little bit of time was spent talking about AR/VR, and a colleague from the state later said it reminded him of our demo at UVU for GIS day and that we "are on the leading edge of it."  High fives all around.  The only thing ESRI did that we haven't yet, is they added a viewshed in their cityscape AR app. Apparently it pays to get there early, becau