ESRI UC 2022 Day 4
I was pretty happy when day 4 rolled around. A week full of intro classes really bored me, and I was ready to be done. The first class did not help. ArcGIS Pro: Tips and Tricks, only showed one new thing I hadn't seen before, which was animated line symbology. I definitely want to test this one out. The next class was ArcGIS Online: Best Practices for Organization Management. An exciting new feature is being able to set credit budgets per user! Another new feature is creating member categories and sub categories, and bulk actions. However, you still cannot export credit usage for storage. ArcGIS Pro: 3D Tips and Tricks showed another animated symbology of moving trees. This presenter really knew his stuff, I was impressed. He showed a way to modify a feature, and load texture i.e. adding a picture (from your phone) of the outside of a building to a 3D representation of the building. You can add also shadows to your scene for a little extra fun. ArcGIS: Real-Time Use Ca...