ESRI UC 2019 Day 3
On my way to my first class, I saw a cartography genius on the escalator, and had a total fan girl moment. My first class was GIS for Active Shooter Response. The class was PACKED. It ended up being nothing that I had hoped, and only a grad student's project on FBI stats. I could not leave to go to a different class. So here are some random facts - there have been 277 mass shootings between 2000-2018. California has had the most. The least occurrences in less populated states. No correlation for seasons, ccw/armed households. 7 states do mental health background checks. Did not compare to gun-free zones. This class time was shared with a GIS person from a city in California that showed her project that took her two years. Basic aerial with building outlines. For schools. Oh. Man. I decided I need to present next year. I apprehensively followed up that class with a class on GIS for Informed Decisio...